Power Up Provincetown – solar education and action program

“Power Up Provincetown,” a solar energy education and action program, announced a new incentive program specifically for residents of Provincetown during a presentation at the WOMR radio station on May 22nd. This was the first of an informative series of presentations sponsored by My Generation Energy, a local solar installation company. Provincetown’s unique location highlights the value of a resource such as solar, according to Luke Hinkle, President of My Generation Energy. “Provincetown is perfectly suited for solar electricity–its generation peaks in the summer months, the same time when Provincetown’s energy demands peak.”

The “Power Up Provincetown” initiative is educational, but it also includes a cash rebate program. The rebate program is on top of the significant rebates and tax benefits provided by state and federal programs. The “Power Up Provincetown” rebate program has a three stage structure. The initial “Leaf” stage of the program, roughly equivalent to five home installations, rewards participants with a substantial rebate. The rebate is based on the size of the system, but will total about $500 for a typical home. As additional levels of adoption are reached, “Tree” and “Forest,” new participants receive the same rebate value. However, previous participants are additionally rewarded for each new milestone. The “Leaf” participants have the potential to receive a $1500 rebate for a typical home system. The deadline for achieving milestones is September 1, 2013. “The more who sign up for the program, the more likely the maximum incentive will be achieved and all the more reason to get started early,” Hinkle outlined.

The next Power Up Provincetown event is scheduled for:

Wednesday June 12th at 4:00pm and 6:30pm

at WOMR, 494 Commercial Street in Provincetown.


Like Power Up Provincetown on Facebook for for updates on other Power Up Provincetown events.   Or call My Generation Energy at 508-694-6884.

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