Carver to Tisbury, Truro to Falmouth, My Generation Energy Helps Boost MA Solar Ranking

Carver to Tisbury, Truro to Falmouth, My Generation Energy and Solar Boosts MA Ranking

Based on Cape Cod with strong connections across the state My Generation Energy was excited to see Massachusetts recently featured in Environment America’s “Lighting the Way” report on America’s Top 12 Solar States. According to the report Massachusetts now ranks as the #10 state in the nation for most solar installed per person. The report highlighted that when homeowners and businesses invest in solar installations they reduce the need for long-distance transmission lines and can lower electricity costs by providing power at times of peak demand – both a significant benefit to all consumers. The report further noted that the top states’ results are no accident, stating “Their leadership is the result of strong public policies that eliminate barriers that often keep consumers from ‘going solar’ and provide financial assistance to expand access to solar energy to every individual, business, non-profit and government agency that wishes to pursue it.”

Having worked with Environment Massachusetts, an affiliate of Environment America, on a solar event in Sandwich recently it is great to see their continued research in this important area for the economy, clean air and energy independence.

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