Solar Presented at Martha’s Vineyard Rotary Club – Oak Bluffs

The Martha’s Vineyard Rotary Club has met every Wednesday since it’s inception in 1991. They meet for one common goal -humanitarian service.  It’s a broad goal, one that allows many different people and businesses to get involved in lifting up the community.  This past Wednesday, July 17th these Rotarians gathered at the Ocean View Restaurant in Oak Bluffs to hear a solar energy presentation by Luke Hinkle, President of My Generation Energy.  The meeting was well attended, and the presentation well received.

It turns out that local solar energy production fulfills many of the humanitarian goals that Rotary Clubs around the world seek to realize.  Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels produce clean, quiet, local energy which helps reduce harmful emissions produced by traditional forms of non-renewable energy production.  That is a benefit that everyone is able to enjoy. And, because PV utilizes the sun as its fuel source, it is often producing the most energy when it is most needed, i.e. during heat waves.  Properly timing energy production with energy demand allows our electric grid to operate more efficiently, which means less waste and less emissions for all. When you work with a community-focused, well-qualified installer such as My Generation Energy you’ll receive the best in solar system design, construction and performance, and therefore capture all the savings and benefits solar offers.

If you are interested in learning more about how you can go solar, contact My Generation Energy at 508-694-6884 and ask for a Solar Snapshot.  It is a quick way to get an assessment of your solar suitability, along with an economic analysis that shows how much you can save by going solar.

Get your free site assessment now!

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