Commercial Incentives & Financing

Learn about the solar incentives, solar tax credits and financing options to make going solar more affordable for businesses.

Massachusetts is one of the best states for homeowners and businesses to take advantage of residential and commercial solar energy incentives, including rebates, tax credits, and financing. In fact, there are so many options available it can seem daunting to navigate. That’s where the team at My Generation Energy can help—we’ll make sure you save as much as possible on your solar energy installation and operation in Cape Cod, Greater Boston, South Shore, and South Coast.

Solar tax credits & incentives

State Incentives

Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)

Earn credits for the production of clean energy. Applicable to <25kW systems only.

Renewable energy certificates (RECs) are clean energy credits based off the amount of power your system generates. One megawatt hour of energy generated is equivalent to a single REC.

RECs are a valuable and lucrative opportunity for homeowners and businesses alike in Massachusetts, and My Generation Energy is here to help you take advantage of these credits!

Massachusetts State Income Tax Credit

Receive an income tax credit equivalent to 15% of your solar system (with a cap of $1,000).

Massachusetts offers a simple income tax credit on the state level for residential solar energy systems—15% of your total system cost, with a maximum of $1,000.

Net Metering

Earn credits for any additional power your system generates.

Solar net metering is a solar incentive that allows homeowners and businesses to earn credit on their electric bills for any excess energy their system produces. The excess energy is sent back to the power grid, and in return you can use your credits to offset electricity costs for energy from the grid used during hours when your solar panels aren’t producing (like cloudy days or at night).

Massachusetts has net metering programs—My Generation Energy can help you determine if you qualify.

Massachusetts Solar Battery Storage Incentives

Massachusetts residents and businesses get cash for solar battery usage.

If you’re a National Grid or Eversource customer in Massachusetts, you may qualify for payments under MassSave’s Connected Solutions program when you use solar battery storage during particular “peak usage” levels—times over the course of the year when the demand for electricity is highest. Customers receive incentives based on the performance depending on your solar battery system’s size, configuration, and other factors.

Local Property Tax and Sales Tax Exemptions

Property: on system value for a term of 20 years

Sales: on all equipment

In Massachusetts, your solar panel system is exempt from local property tax for 20 years.

The state also has favorable sales tax exemptions for eligible renewable energy materials. For example, you will not pay sales tax on your new solar array or battery.

Federal Incentives

Solar Investment Tax Credit / Federal Solar Tax Credit

Applied to total cost of system with no cap.

Probably the most well-known national solar incentive, this federal initiative gives homeowners and businesses a federal tax credit equaling 30% of their total solar installation costs, with no cap, and allows them to roll forward any remaining balance if their tax credit exceeds the total amount of federal taxes due.

The ITC was extended but will step down in 2033 and be eliminated completely for homeowners in 2035.

Federal MACRS Depreciation for Commercial Solar

100% first-year bonus to speed up ROI.

The Modified Accelerated Cost-Recovery System (MACRS) is a tax depreciation system. Under MACRS, tax law offers 100-percent, first-year ‘bonus’ depreciation for qualified commercial solar energy systems. Taxpayers may elect out of the first year depreciation and opt for a 5-year MACRS schedule if they wish. This makes it easier for your business to quickly recover the costs of your solar installation investment.

Solar Financing & Loans

Many of the above rebates, tax credits, and incentives require that homeowners and businesses own their solar energy system, and at My Generation Energy, we’re firm believers that you’ll get the most benefit from solar energy by avoiding solar lease agreements. You own your solar panel system if you either pay in cash or take out a solar loan.

Residential solar loan programs

Cape Cod 5 Solar Loan Program

Fixed, low-interest solar loan option for owning home solar.

Another solar financing program is Cape Cod 5’s Solar Loan program that offers flexible terms and competitive rates. Homeowners can qualify for a maximum loan of $75,000 at a low fixed interest rate with a repayment term of up to 15 years with no prepayment penalties. The Cape Cod 5 solar loan would be secured by a mortgage on the borrower’s primary or secondary residence and the solar installation would need to be installed on the property securing the loan. There is a one-time, no-fee re-amortization at any time throughout the loan, giving the borrower the opportunity to roll their tax credit into the loan after year one.

UMassFive MySolar Loan

Higher loan amounts and additional funding for related solar works.

As an alternative to the Mass Solar Loan, UMassFive has created a MySolar loan option for homeowners. With no origination fees, the MySolar loan offers higher maximum loan amounts up to $75,000, longer terms, additional funding for related works like tree removals or roof repairs, and flexible terms and conditions.

Disclaimer: My Generation Energy is not a tax advisor and the information is only to provide an outline of the potential tax benefits. Please consult with an accredited tax or financial advisor regarding your unique tax situation.

My Generation Energy helps you navigate and qualify for as many solar incentives and financing opportunities as possible. Call 508-694-6884 or contact us to learn how much you could save.

Explore our full range of solar services:

Residential Solar

Learn about the benefits of solar for your home and the solar incentives to make owning solar affordable. 

Commercial Solar

Got a business? Check out our Commercial services and Nonprofit partnership.


Never lose power again! Check out our Solar Battery options.


Need Maintenance for your existing panels? We can service and maintain them, even if we didn’t install them!

Community Solar Gardens

Do trees shade your entire roof? Check out our Community Solar Gardens.

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