Rebates for Municipal Light Plant Towns like Hingham & Braintree

new solar rebate for towns serviced by municipal light plants Homeowners in Massachusetts towns like Braintree, Hingham, and Taunton aren’t able to participate in the state’s generous SMART program, but a new rebate will provide special financial incentives for solar installation in Municipal Light Plant (MLP) service territories.

Municipal Light Solar Rebate Overview

The Department of Energy Resources (DOER) and the participating MLPs will offer rebates of $1.20 per watt up to 50% of system costs on installations of 25kW DC or less.

Participating MLPs are the Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Company and Energy New England. Customers can visit their websites or the site to see if their town is part of the solar rebate program.

Basic Eligibility Requirements

Facilities must meet at least the following criteria, in addition to any individual MLP requirements:

  • Have a capacity of 25 kW DC or less;
  • Have no more than 20% reduction in output due to shading. Please refer to the Program Manual for more information on this requirement;
  • Have an azimuth between 90 (east) and 270 (west) degrees;
  • Have a commercial operation date of November 27, 2018 or later;
  • Be interconnected to a participating MLP’s distribution system; and
  • Cannot have received a Statement of Qualification under the Solar Carve-out II Program

System owners can check whether they meet all the eligibility requirements here. 

Qualified Installers

We are a primary installer for this program, and thus we can help our clients complete and submit the MLP Solar Program application. If you have any questions about whether you qualify or would like more information, please contact us.

Contact us to learn more. Find out more about the Municipal Light Solar Rebate today!

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