Are Solar Panels Free in Massachusetts?

“Companies around Massachusetts are offering free solar panel installation!” 

Sound familiar? The idea seems great, but unfortunately, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. In this case, some solar companies will claim to offer no-cost solar panel installation, but in reality it’s nothing but false promises. 

At My Generation Energy, you won’t get solar panels for free, but you will get installation from a knowledgeable and experienced company with more than 14 years of experience on Cape Cod, The Islands, and surrounding areas. From permitting and design to high-quality equipment and professional installation, our team is there for you every step of the way when it comes to solar energy-and we can even help you maximize your savings with several solar incentives available in Massachusetts.  

The REAL Cost of “Free” Solar Panels

In the best case scenario, solar installers offering free solar panels will try and sell you a leasing contract. While this option does technically get you a no-cost solar installation for your home or business, that doesn’t mean they come without consequences. 

The added fees of leasing solar panels will end up negating the majority of your electricity savings, while the owner of the panels will wind up with the benefits of net metering and other incentives. Solar leasing contracts also go for about 15-20 years and usually the only way out of it early is to either purchase the panels from the provider or transfer your lease to someone else.

In the worst case scenario, claims of free solar panels could be a scam to gain access to your personal data. While it may seem like a stretch, solar scamming has happened so much in recent years that even the Department of Energy has posted a warning to avoid free solar scams. When looking to get a quote from any solar installer or contractor, don’t feel obligated to give in to pushy sales tactics and always make sure you’re working with a certified solar installer, like My Generation Energy. 

Save on Solar Installation with Incentives

If you’re looking for a real way to save on solar panel installation, there are several incentives available that can make it more affordable throughout Massachusetts, including:

Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC)

Both homeowners and businesses can claim up to 30% of their total cost for solar installation with this federal tax credit. There is no cap on the amount for the ITC and if the balance of the credit exceeds the amount of taxes you owe, the remainder will roll forward to the next tax year. 

Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)

RECs allow for residents without solar or wind systems to purchase electricity from the grid that is guaranteed to come from a renewable energy source. Both homeowners and businesses can sell their clean-generated electricity and receive one REC per 1 megawatt of energy generated.  

Massachusetts State Income Tax Credit

Massachusetts residents can get a state tax credit for their primary residences of up to $1,000, reducing their tax liability by 15% of their total cost for residential solar installation. 

Net Metering

Net metering allows both residential and commercial solar owners to sell excess electricity back to the grid. In return, your utility company will give you a credit to use on future bills at times when your solar panels aren’t producing enough power to run your home, like at nights and during winter months. 

Property & State Sales Tax Exemptions

Solar panel systems are exempt from sales tax at the time of purchase as well as property taxes for 20 years after installation in Massachusetts.

My Generation Energy: Honest Solar Installations for Over 14 Years

We want your experience with solar energy to be a positive one, and we believe that working with the right company will make all the difference. Don’t take a risk with unqualified and shady solar companies offering free installation. Go with a professional team that’s on your side-like My Generation Energy. We’ve completed more than 1,400 residential and commercial solar installations since opening our doors and all of our systems are customer-owned. Invest in your future with a partner you can trust and call our team today.

Schedule your solar panel assessment with our team. Call 508-694-6884 or contact us online.

Free solar panels always come with a catch.
Call the pros at My Generation Energy instead!

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