Chatham Solar Options, Tuesday 9/3 @ 7pm, Eldredge Public Library

Chatham Eldredge Public Library is the first stop on your Solar Options Tour 2013!  Join us on Tuesday, September 3rd at 7:00 pm for this engaging and educational event.  It’s free and open to the public.  Engage with locals that have already gone solar and others that are thinking about it.  Educate yourself about the common misconceptions many of us have about today’s solar.  Many things have changed since the Seventies to make solar in Southeastern Massachusetts a smart choice.  So come out, bring a friend, ask questions, and learn what it takes to gain energy independence with solar.

If you can’t make it to Chatham on Tuesday 9/3, catch us at one of the next tour stops in Sandwich, Plymouth, Dartmouth, or Orleans.


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