Common Red Flags to Watch Out for When Choosing a Solar Company

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Going solar is a significant investment that can save you money on your utility bills and reduce your carbon footprint. However, finding the right solar company to work with can be a daunting task. Unfortunately, not all solar companies are created equal. Some solar companies may try to take advantage of customers by promising unrealistic savings or using deceptive sales tactics. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to spot a bad solar company so that you can make an informed decision when choosing a solar provider.

1. Lack of Transparency

A reputable solar company should be transparent about its products, pricing, and installation process. If a solar company is vague about any of these details, it’s a red flag. Be wary of adding a solar panel system to your home with companies that refuse to provide written estimates or contracts and only offer verbal agreements.

2. High-pressure Sales Tactics

Beware of solar companies that use high-pressure sales tactics to force you into signing a contract. A good solar company should allow you to take your time to review the contract and ask questions before making a decision. Beware of solar companies who aren’t willing to come to your home or business to conduct a site assessment before asking you to sign a contract. It’s generally a red flag if a solar company is not willing to do a site assessment before a contract is signed or installing solar panels.

3. Unrealistic Savings Claims

Solar energy can save you money on your utility bills, but it’s not a magic solution that eliminates all your energy costs. Be cautious of companies that promise unrealistic savings or claim that you will never have to pay for electricity again. A trustworthy company should provide realistic estimates based on your energy usage and explain the potential savings and payback period for your solar panel system.

4. Poor Customer Reviews

Take the time to research the company online and read customer reviews. If a company has overwhelming negative reviews, it’s a sign they may not be trustworthy or reliable. 

5. Low Quality Equipment

The quality of the solar panels and other equipment used in your installation can have a significant impact on the performance and longevity of your system. A reputable solar company will use high-quality, reliable equipment from reputable manufacturers.

6. Lack of Experience

Solar panel installation is a specialized field that requires expertise and experience. Look for a company with a proven track record of successful installations and satisfied customers. Many national solar companies have technically completed more solar installations than local companies. However, they tend to only hire regional sales staff that use high-pressure tactics for their most expensive products. Once a sale is made, the sales staff disappears and is replaced with subcontractors who may or may not have the expertise needed to install solar efficiently. 

7. No Licensing or Certification

Before working with a solar company, make sure they have the proper licensing and certifications required by your state or municipality. A reputable company should be able to provide proof of their licensing and certifications upon request.


Choosing the right solar company is crucial to the success of your solar project. By keeping these warning signs in mind, you can avoid working with a bad solar company and find a reputable provider that will help you achieve your energy goals.

My Generation Energy specializes in the highest quality solar design and installation serving Cape Cod & the Islands, Greater Boston, the South Shore and South Coast of Massachusetts.  Contact us today to learn more or schedule a free, no-contact site assessment.

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