How Does Commercial Solar Help in Electrifying Your Business?

You may have already heard of home electrification or the “electrify my home” movement-your family may even be well on its way to removing all fossil fuel-powered systems and appliances from your home-but did you know that electrifying your business or commercial building is just as important? 

Electrification comes with a variety of benefits for both your company and the environment, just as it does for your home. Here’s how electrifying a business or commercial property works, and how you can take advantage of all the perks of commercial electrification:

How Does Commercial Electrification Work?

Electrifying your business means upgrading the systems and appliances used to power your company to models that run entirely on electricity. Some obvious upgrades include:

  • Replacing any combustion fuel HVAC systems or water heaters with heat pump models

  • Replacing office kitchen gas stoves with electric induction models

But doing the bare minimum isn’t really getting into the electrification spirit. There are plenty of other ways to take advantage of electrification, like:

  • Installing electric vehicle (EV) chargers for employees with EVs

  • Replacing any older appliances or systems currently running on electricity with newer, higher efficiency models

Plus, as your business runs more exclusively on electricity, commercial solar panels become an increasingly sweeter deal. With solar energy powering your electrified-business, you open yourself up to even more profits and advantages. 

The Benefits of Going Solar & Electrifying Your Business

Commercial electrification can benefit your organization in a number of ways. Here are 5 of our favorites:

  1. It’s better for the environment: Commercial buildings in the US use 35% of all energy consumed every year, and produce 16% of all carbon emissions. Electrifying your building helps lower carbon emissions, but a significant portion of grid electricity in Massachusetts is still generated from fossil fuels. Using renewable, 100% clean solar energy to run a completely electric business is the best way to lower your carbon footprint and put your business at the forefront of the fight against climate change.
  2. You stay ahead of any commercial building energy code changes: Just as in California, Massachusetts is looking for ways to meet aggressive climate action goals, and that includes passing legislation regarding commercial energy use. By upgrading your business now instead of waiting to see if you’ll be required to by law, you’ll be ahead of the curve and electrifying your business on your schedule.
  3. You lower your operating costs: Upgrading to energy-efficient electric HVAC systems and appliances alone can save your business significantly. But with commercial solar installation, you can run those appliances and systems with energy directly from the sun-allowing you to power your business for free, for decades to come.
  4. You create a healthier, safer space for building occupants: Studies have shown that poor indoor air quality leads to reduced cognitive function and productivity as well as higher rates of health issues and absences. Whether your business is an office space or a retail location, electric HVAC systems and appliances are better for occupants, consumers, and visitors.
  5. Employees love it: People want to work for a company that’s environmentally conscious and taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions-not to mention perks like EV chargers in their parking lot or other electrification-related benefits. Electrifying your business can make it easier to recruit and retain top talent.

Get a Free Solar Estimate for Your Business with My Generation Energy

My Generation Energy is the leading residential and commercial solar company near you on Cape Cod and the eastern Massachusetts coast. We can help you determine how much you stand to save with commercial solar installation, how many solar panels you’ll need to support the electrification of your business, and walk you through everything from system design and planning to solar panel installation and energy monitoring once your system is in place.

We’ll also work with you to make sure you take advantage of as many commercial solar incentives as possible, including the federal solar tax credit, accelerated MACRS depreciation, and more. 

See for yourself how we’ve helped neighboring businesses in your area upgrade to solar energy on our case studies page, and give My Generation Energy a call to help electrify your business today.

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