Many of our customers want to help the solar industry even after we install their panels. Therefore, here are a couple timely actions you can take to show your support for the solar energy industry (and possibly save some money down the road!).
How you can help
- On July 31st, the Massachusetts House will decide the fate of the laws surrounding solar net metering. Arbitrary caps on solar net metering are standing in the way of expanding access to solar energy. State officials could lift these caps and help more Massachusetts families and businesses go solar, but time is running out. Click here to ask your legislators to stand up for solar power.
- The Department of Public Utilities recently approved Eversource’s proposal to penalize solar customers by adding a demand charge. This is a wildly unfair, short-sighted decision that they should reverse immediately. You can help by writing a letter to your elected officials. In order to make it easy, we’ve drawn one up below that you can copy & paste, and we’ve included the email addresses for the Cape & Islands House Representatives as well as the DPU Commissioners and the DOER Commissioner.
As always, thank you for your continued support of solar energy. It’s an exciting time to be involved with the solar energy movement, and we’re glad to share it with you! If you have any questions about clean energy legislation or solar installations, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Email elected officials
1. Copy & paste the following into the “To:” field:,,,,,,,,,
2. Copy & paste the below into the body of your email, sign it with your name, and send it!
To Whom it May Concern:
As a Massachusetts solar energy customer, I’m seriously concerned about the Department of Public Utilities’ approval of Eversource’s new rate structure for solar energy users.
Not only will this rate change penalize customers for choosing solar instead of antiquated, unsustainable fossil fuels, it also penalizes small businesses that are making Massachusetts & the world a better place to live by providing environmentally-friendly renewable energy options.
Eversource claims that it needs to collect “displaced distribution revenues.” But when energy is produced at houses & businesses via solar or other alternatives, the load on the grid decreases and the utility’s need for upgrades is reduced. Why does Eversource need to “recover costs” from solar customers to maintain a grid that is being used less? If anything, solar is saving Eversource money.
Eversource will be the first utility company in the country to have its demand charge approved. National Grid was rejected, as were investor-owned utilities across 15 other states. Why should Eversource get approval? The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities’ decision is embarrassing for a state previously considered to be a leader in renewable energy.
When more citizens choose to go solar, we all win. Residential solar contributes to reduced energy costs and increased energy resilience. According to a bipartisan study, 75% of Bay Staters would prefer to see more investment in renewables over any other energy sources.
I hope you will fight to reverse this short-sighted decision in the name of ethics, sustainability, and free enterprise. Please continue to be a leader in making Massachusetts energy more affordable, resilient, and clean by supporting legislation like S.2314 to reverse demand charges.
[Your name]