Local vs National Solar Installers: Which is Better?

When it comes to installing solar panels at your home or business, choosing a trustworthy local solar installer can offer several advantages over opting for a national company. Here are some reasons why you might want to consider a local installer:

1. Personalized Service: Local installers often provide a more personalized experience. They are invested in their community and are more likely to offer a tailored approach to meet your specific needs. You can expect a higher level of attention and customer service compared to larger, national companies. My Generation Energy ensures that you will be in contact with the same representative from the initial site assessment to turning on the system. We will continue to check-in with you and answer any questions you may have years after the installation is complete. We are always available for our customers.

2. Knowledge of Local Regulations: Local installers are familiar with the specific regulations, permits, and building codes in your area. They can streamline the permitting process and ensure that your installation complies with all local requirements.

3. Faster Response Times: In the event of maintenance or service needs, a local installer can often respond more quickly than a national company. This can result in faster resolution of any issues that may arise with your solar system.  Often, My Generation Energy will receive calls from homeowners looking for service after a national company, who installed their system, went out of business or no longer services our area. My Generation Energy’s team are all New England natives, and we are in tune with what customers are looking for in a solar company. Growing up in the area, we have lifelong connections with various businesses, organizations, and local residents.

4. Support for Local Economy: By choosing a local installer, you are supporting businesses in your own community and contributing to the local economy. This support doesn’t just create more revenue for local businesses, but it also creates more local jobs in renewable energy.

5. Reputation and Trust: Local installers rely heavily on their reputation within the community. They are often more inclined to provide excellent service and quality workmanship to maintain their standing in the local market. For over 15 years, My Generation Energy has installed hundreds of solar arrays from Boston to Lexington, Quincy to Hingham, Marshfield to Plymouth, Marion to Westport, Bourne to Provincetown and every town, village and city in between. We do not shy away from any project–small or large.

When selecting a local solar installer, be sure to research their credentials, experience, and customer reviews. It’s important to choose a company with a solid track record and relevant certifications.

Ultimately, choosing a local solar installer can offer a more personalized experience, in-depth knowledge of local regulations, and a heightened level of trust and accountability. These factors can make a significant difference in the overall success and satisfaction of your solar panel installation. Installing solar energy solutions is a full-time job for the team at My Generation Energy. We understand your system is an investment and we take our responsibility very seriously.  If you’re considering going solar, contact us for a free site assessment.  We will never share your information or use high-pressure sales tactics. Together, let’s make a difference.

Contact us for a free site assessment and find out if solar could work for your home or business!

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My Generation Energy will never share your information or use high-pressure sales tactics.

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