Sea Captains’ Community Goes Solar

The sky was overcast and a slight drizzle of cool rain fell on the pioneering members of the Brewster Community Solar Garden® Cooperative as they assembled for their first Annual Meeting, early on Saturday morning, March 31st. A little weather wouldn’t keep this crowd from fulfilling the nearly three year journey that started with Luke Hinkle, President of My Generation Energy. The company started with small residential solar installations in 2009, but Luke knew from the start that he needed a way to make solar power accessible to everyone. Fortunately he found a wealth of support and interest in his home town of Brewster, MA. Enthusiastic residents of the town, affectionately referred to as “The Sea Captains Town”, are eager to reinvigorate Brewster’s pioneering Sea Captains’ spirit by leading the way towards clean, renewable, domestic sources of energy.

The members gathered around homemade scones and fresh coffee. A few potted plants, blooming with yellow tulips were brought in to brighten up the space that was lit mostly by the gray overcast sky that poured in through tall windows. Following the usual procedures of an annual meeting for non-profit organizations; a quorum was established, eloquent opening remarks were given by Calvin Mutti, (the newly elected president of the Cooperative) and the business of electing Directors took place. It was a quick meeting, but one that cemented the Brewster Community Solar Garden® Cooperative and its members into the history books.

After concluding the official business of the meeting, members socialized a bit before dispersing into the town of Brewster to continue their busy or perhaps… lazy Saturday. The rain had stopped, and it seemed that the clouds had begun to disperse as well.

More Community Solar Garden® projects are in the works, following in the footsteps of the first located adjacent to the Brewster Water Department on Commerce Park Rd. A waiting list has also been established to join the first Cooperative. The Community Solar Garden® model is sure to gain popularity with anyone that is interested in saving money, reducing emissions, or gaining independence from foreign energy.

A special thank you goes out to the members of the Brewster Community Solar Garden® Cooperative, and all those who helped along the way.


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