Second Annual Equinox Event for our PV Installation Customers, Cape Cod Cultural Center

March 20, 2011

With the longer days ahead of us now comes more sunlight! What’s not to celebrate when you are a homeowner of a solar electric system producing clean energy. And what better way to celebrate it than with the My Generation Energy team.

On a beautiful Sunday afternoon marking the first day of Spring, My Generation Energy hosted their 2nd Annual Event in celebration of the Equinox. The customer appreciation event joined past and future patrons of like intent–achieving sustainability–at the Cultural Center of Cape Cod in Yarmouth, MA. With the help of the Ardeo staff, guests enjoyed delicious hot hors d’oeuvres with a glass of wine–or two–and took pleasure in each other’s company.

The My Generation Energy team sends a special thanks to Ed’s Honey Handcrafted Soap for designing our all natural citrus soap gift for our guests. Also, thanks to all of those who came and shared in the event. And for those who couldn’t make it, we hope to see you at the next. Together, we’re one step closer to making ours the greatest generation.

Photos from this Equinox Event



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