Somerville Solar Installation: Greater Boston Residential Solar

The homeowners of this Somerville residential solar installation will save over $5,000 every year! This Greater Boston solar array stands to generate over 16,000 kWh of clean solar energy each year.  That’s the equivalent of 4.2 tons of waste recycled instead of landfilled!

Somerville residential solar installation completed by My Generation Energy in Greater Boston.

Save money with solar

In addition to saving the environment, Greater Boston residents save money by going solar, too. Solar is the cheapest electricity in history, according to the International Energy Agency’s World Energy Outlook report. And with generous federal & state incentives for residential solar installations, “the average Massachusetts household can save an estimated $35,900 over the next 20 years by installing a rooftop solar system,” according to

How much might you save? Well, it depends on a host of factors. We encourage Somerville residents and business owners to contact us for a free solar assessment. Every property is different, so a site assessment helps us provide you with an accurate estimate.

While we’re on the subject of saving money, buying your solar electric system outright provides the most savings (Consumer Reports agrees). However, if you can’t afford solar’s up-front costs, there are solar loans. Financing like this can make a solar installation more financially accessible. We can help educate you and file the paperwork if you decide to pursue a solar loan.

Earn money with solar

When you go solar, you won’t only save money on electricity. You’ll also be increasing the value of your home. As Money magazine states, “solar panels raise a home’s value by 4.1%.” For a $500,000 home, that translates to an additional $20,500 in your pocket!

With electric vehicles and clean energy on the rise, solar homes stand to become even more valuable in the future. Thus, your solar installation will continue to enrich you even when you sell your home.

Save the environment

Solar offers incredible financial benefits. However, it’s not just a good investment for your finances. Solar energy is also an excellent investment for the environment. Solar panels do not produce air pollution or greenhouse gases. In this way, going solar can mitigate climate change, help curb pollution, and improve human health.

Contact us today to learn more or schedule a free, no-contact site assessment.

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