Westport, Dartmouth, Marion Solar Update – 7/11/13

There are well over 15,000 solar panels installed by My Generation Energy, dotting the landscapes and roofs of Cape Cod, the Islands, Plymouth area, and the South Coast of Massachusetts.  That’s over 16 miles of solar panels stacked end to end, enough to completely line both sides of the Cape Cod Canal.

With so many solar panels already installed and more being installed all the time, we thought it would be nice to periodically showcase a handful of local towns.  Below you’ll see solar updates for Dartmouth, Westport, and Marion.

Dartmouth Solar Update

Embracing the Power of the Sun in Dartmouth – According to the Boston Globe Dartmouth has more solar energy installed than any other municipality in the state even besting populous Boston to the north. Just since last fall My Generation Energy solar customers in Dartmouth have produced enough energy to power 454 houses for a day. Dartmouth can look forward to more solar in the future as well.

Westport Solar Update

Local Solar Producing Gains in Westport – The South Coast community of Westport is utilizing clean, quiet, solar power. For example homeowners that use My Generation Energy systems have since the spring generated the power equivalent to 3,591 toasters operating for one hour – savings every sunrise.

Marion Solar Update

Realizing the Potential of Solar in Marion – A town known for a long history of sea captains and sailors is starting to also become known for the increasing use of solar power. Residents from Front Street to County Road are capturing the savings and benefits of these systems. Already My Generation Energy solar installations in the town have produced the annual environmental equivalent of 18.6 acres of forest.

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